When our couples book any of our Wedding Planning packages we send them a questionnaire to learn more about them. We think it is important to get to know our clients on a personal level to understand them better and also learn their love story. Well now you get a chance to learn some fun and silly facts about us at A Beautiful Theme! We are a husband-wife duo that loves planning and designing weddings together!

Circa 2006
How did you and your husband meet?
Stephen and I met when we were only 14 years old! My older sister was dating one of Stephen’s best friends. During 8th grade we met and dated for a brief summer romance before I headed off to boarding high school in New Hampshire. (Who dates in 8th grade?? I was way too young!) Well after 2 years of dating other people we reunited and have been together since June 13th, 2004. We have been together for over 15 years and married for 5 years!

Photo by Eric Williams Photography
How did he propose?
First off I have to say Stephen is VERY ROMANTIC! I am very lucky in that area. He has been spoiling me with romantic gestures since we were teenagers so I knew he would do something great for our proposal. His mother owns a company called Sky Management and he told me they were doing a sunrise photoshoot and wanted us to stand in as some extras. I totally believed it!
On the morning of June 2nd, 2014, I woke up at the crack of dawn and did my hair and make up. I met him at his brothers house and from there he blind folded me and took me to this gorgeous park that overlooks the entire city. He had decorated the park with pink balloons, flowers and a huge banner. He hired a professional photographer and got down on one knee and cried telling me how much he loved me. He then proposed and started playing the song ‘Best Day of My Life’. We released some balloons in honor of our future together. It was SO ROMANTIC.
He also planned a surprise party that night with our entire families and we all celebrated in soon to be marriage bliss. FOR SURE one of the BEST DAYS of my life!! We then got married the next year on June 13th, 2015.
Where did you both grow up?
We are both native to Albuquerque, New Mexico and grew up 5 miles apart from each other. We are both born and raised in the North Valley! We did live in Orlando, Florida for almost 12 years together so we do feel as though that is where we grew up as young adults!
Where did you attend College?
I attended Rollins College in Winter Park, Florida and have my degree in Psychology. Stephen did not attend college but has owned several successful business including a Landscaping Company and Construction Company that we sold before moving back to New Mexico.
Night Owl Or Morning Person & Personality Tests
Ashley: Night Owl, ENFJ and ENTJ (I go back and forth between the two) and Type 3 Enneagram. I will have to have Stephen take the tests!
Stephen: Morning Person (he wakes up SO EARLY and LOVES everything about mornings!)
Favorite Food, Sweet or Savory, Favorite Fast Food?
Ashley: Eeeeek I do love some junk food but I would say Mexican and Asian are my favorite food groups. I am all about the sweet!! McDonalds and Taco Bell are my favorite fast food.
Stephen: Dions Pizza is hands down his favorite. He is also a sweets guy! McDonalds and Sonic are his favorite fast food stops.
Favorite Coffee Drink
Ashley’s favorite drink is from STARBUCKS! Grande iced caramel latte- 1/2 pumps syrup but add extra caramel drizzle (told you I love sweets haha)
Stephen drinks his coffee straight black. No fancy drinks for him! I call it flavored bean water haha.

Photo by Lisa Anne Photography
We currently have 3 chihuahuas. They are a real little family too- mom, dad and their son. Mom is Lollipop and she is 11 years old! Dad is Duke and he is 12 years old and a long hair chihuahua. Their son Romeo is 10 years old and he was born on Valentines day! We are obsessed and they are our little 4 legged babies. We usually always have a senior rescue dog and will probably be adopting another one soon!
What do we do for fun? (This will literally tell you everything about us that you need to know!)
Stephen and I love to do home DIY project together, work on our yard/garden growing flowers and vegetables. We are total homebodies who spend a lot of time talking about our growing business and ways to improve our lives! You can also find us snuggled up on the couch with our puppies watching some tv. We love watching discovery channel series together such as Alone (Stephen’s favorite), Naked and Afraid and we also watch some trashy reality TV such as 90 day fiancé. My favorite shows are all the Housewife Series, Vanderpump Rules, Below Deck and pretty much anything on bravo!
Favorite Places to Shop
Ashley: You will always find me browsing the aisles at Target (gotta love that dollar section!) Home goods, TJ Maxx, Tuesday Morning, Hobby Lobby (I could spend hours in here) and ordering way too many things on Amazon (2 day shipping gets me every time)
Stephen: He does not care for shopping but he likes Cabellas, Home Depot, and Tractor Supply!
This or That! We love using this to learn about you but now you can learn about us through our answers!

Ashley: Reeses, Coke, Neither, Pancake, Hamburger, Red Chile, Fruit, Summer, Instagram, Netflix, Housekeeper, Ocean, Explore Ocean, Reality TV!
Stephen: Reeses, (Dr. Pepper- haha), Neither, Waffle, Hamburger, Green Chile, Fruit, Summer, Facebook, Netflix, Private Chef, Both Ocean and Mountains, Explore Space, Documentary

Photo by Lisa Anne Photography
Well now you probably know more about us than you ever thought you would. We will work closely together for several months for one of the biggest events in your life so we thought this was a fun idea to share our responses as well. We LOVE building close relationships with our brides and grooms so if you want to know anything else about us PLEASE ASK! If you would like to book us for your wedding click here!